
The international trade fair for mechanical engineering, metalworking, automation, electronics, electrical engineering, industrial supplies, tools and innovated technology “Tech Industry 2017” – the biggest and most important event for industrial production in the Baltic States – will take place at Kipsala International Exhibition Centre in Riga, Latvia, 30 November – 2 December.

In this exhibition, together with The Association of Mechanical Engineering and Metalworking Industries of Latvia (MASOC) will be participating MARMORS GROUP.

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С Праздником Рождества и Счастливого Нового Года!

Linksmu Kaledu ir laimingu Nauju metu!

Rõõmsaid Jõulupühi ja Head uut aastat!

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Buon Natale e Felice Anno Nuovo!

Fröhliche Weihnachten und ein glückliches Neues Jahr!


Gaismas iela 11, Stūrīšu c., Olaines pag., Rīgas raj., LATVIA, LV2127

+371 67 146 580





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